It is the policy of TEChaus Limited to protect the health and safety of our employees, customer, and public and to conduct all activities in an environmentally responsible manner. We commit to this policy nationwide as an integral part of being the nation premier full construction firm. Management shall ensure alignment of TEChaus Limited ‘nationwide and operations with this Environmental, Health and Safety policy and confirm of TEChaus Limited to:

  • Conduct operations in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and requirements, anticipate EHS issues and promote appropriate voluntary initiatives that support this policy.
  • Strive for an injury free workplace through high employee involvement and a safety program.
  • Minimize the EHS impact to our employees, facilities and communities in which we do business.
  • Integrate EHS consideration into business planning and decision making.
  • Equip ourselves to address EHS emergencies.
  • Champion EHS responsibilities among all the employees and impact the requisite training.
  • Communicate our EHS policy and other concerns to our contractors and vendors and seek their compliance.
  • Continually review objectives and set target to improve an EHS performance
  • Provide organizational structure support and directives to achieve these objectives.
  • This policy is reviewed periodically for its continuing suitability to the organization’s current business
  • Make this policy available to our customers and other stakeholders.